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C4TF Team


Katrina Miller

Executive Director

Katrina Miller has worked for over twenty years to win environmental and social justice improvements at every level of government, collaborating with a wide array of labour, community, and academic experts, and helping organizations and individuals hone their skills and strategies. She lives in Toronto and can often be found doing Capoeira or engaged in hijinks with her two children.

Silas Xuereb

Research and Policy Analyst

Silas Xuereb is a researcher with years of experience in academia and working with non-profit organizations. He's passionate about conducting rigorous research to understand social and economic inequalities in support of actors working to alleviate them. Currently completing a PhD at UMass Amherst, he enjoys cooking, hiking, and playing hockey in his spare time.

Erica Shiner

Communications Coordinator

Erica Shiner has been using her passion for people and progress to accelerate change since 2014. With experience in both arts marketing and political organizing, she loves connecting communities to foster belonging and cultivate justice. She lives in her hometown of Toronto, where she enjoys cooking, dancing, momming, and designing snazzy snail mail.

Muneeb Javaid

Fundraising coordinator

With extensive fundraising experience within both political and non-profit spheres, Muneeb Javaid contributes his skills to help resource C4TF's important work. His passion for engaging supporters creatively is driven by his dedication to progressive campaigns, rooted in personal experiences as a worker and a second-generation Pakistani-Canadian. Outside of work, he enjoys socializing in Toronto's vibrant communities and exploring the city with his partner and pets.

Board Members

Peter Bleyer


Peter Bleyer is executive director of the Civic Institute of Professional Personnel (CIPP). He is a past executive director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) and the Council of Canadians. He was previously president of the Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD) and senior advisor at the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC). As a consultant and a volunteer, he has worked with labour and civil society organizations in Canada and internationally. Peter holds a PhD from the London School of Economics. 

Andrew McNeill


Andrew McNeill is a National Representative with the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) responsible for research into public policy issues such as pensions and taxation. He has worked extensively on privatization, particularly new methods being used to privatize public services. Prior to working for NUPGE, Andrew worked as an assistant for elected officials at the federal, provincial and municipal levels.

Ricardo Acuña


Ricardo Acuña has been executive director of Parkland Institute, a public policy research institute at the University of Alberta, since 2002. He has spoken and written extensively on energy policy, democracy, privatization, and the Alberta economy, and is a regular media commentator on public policy issues. He is co-editor, with Trevor Harrison, of the 2023 book Anger and Angst: Jason Kenney's Legacy and Alberta's Right, available from Black Rose Books.

Patricia Lane


Patricia Lane practiced law in the trade union movement, negotiated the first Yukon Treaty, and ran the public consultations for the Ontario Fair Tax Commission. She served on the Sierra Club of BC board and is a founder of She teaches effective climate communication, has a general mediation and arbitration practice, and writes a weekly column for Canada's National Observer.

Lars Osberg


Lars Osberg is McCulloch Professor of Economics at Dalhousie University, Halifax. He has had visiting positions at numerous international universities, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, and The Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford. He has written several books and textbooks on economics, including The Age of Increasing Inequality: The Astonishing Rise of Canada’s 1%, which was awarded the Doug Purvis Memorial Prize. He was President of the Canadian Economics Association in 1999-2000 and was appointed a Fellow in June 2020.

Peggy Nash


Peggy Nash is the author of Women Winning Office: An Activist’s Guide to Getting Elected and is the co-instructor of the Toronto Metropolitan University Women in the House Program. Nash is a former Member of Parliament holding official portfolios in finance and industry and was a federal NDP leadership candidate. A former senior negotiator with CAW (now UNIFOR) in the automobile, airline and service sectors, she was the first woman to lead auto bargaining in North America.

David Bruer


David Bruer is a program manager with Inter Pares, a feminist, social justice organization in Ottawa, which partners with like-minded groups in the Global South. He currently manages programs in Asia and is part of Inter Pares’ economic justice team looking at Canada’s role in perpetuating poverty and injustice in Southern countries, including through the global tax system.

Zaima Aurony


Zaima Aurony is an M.A. student at Norman Paterson School of International Affairs concentrating on International Economic Policy. She has worked at the Ontario Ministry of Finance as an Economist and is currently interning at the Women in the House Program at Toronto Metropolitan University. As an immigrant woman from Bangladesh, Zaima hopes to further build on her passion for policymaking through a diverse lens by working for the federal government.

Flore Fournier


Flore Fournier is an agricultural economist with a background in rural development. For three decades, she taught at Macdonald College (McGill University) and Université Laval, where she founded a union focused on the practical training of future professionals. In 2011, she participated in the foundation of Échec aux paradis fiscaux with la Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), other unions, and citizens groups, which she continues to organize.

Angella MacEwen


Angella MacEwen is the senior economist at CUPE National and a fellow with the Broadbent Institute. She regularly speaks and writes about economic issues from the perspective of workers. Angella is the co-author of 'Share the Wealth: How we can tax Canada's super-rich and create a better country for everyone' available from Lorimer Books.

Ryan Campbell
